The Wellbeing Warriors have been working on ideas for activities for each of the 5 Ways of Wellbeing.
- Give someone five minutes of your time
- Give out some complements to people
- Play with new people at breaktime
- Give a wave/smile to someone you don’t know
- Send a letter to a friend
- Tell a joke to someone
- Spend all day using your manners
- Hold a door open for someone
- Make a list of chores that you will help your family with at home
- Take time to read with younger children
- Offer to help someone
- Play games with other children
- Sharing snack with a friend
- As a class, make a card or poster for your lunchtime supervisors
Be Active
- Teach the foundation phase children a new game
- Run a race with a friend
- Run 5 laps of the playground in the morning everyday
- Make up a circuit for EYFS children
- Bring your bike/scooter to school day
- Make up a 60 sec challenge
- Dance to your favourite song/Make up a dance
- Do a Joe Wickes workout
- Create your own obstacle course (equipment, soft play)
- Try a different route to school
- Learn how to hula hoop
- Walk or cycle to school if you usually come by car
- Try yoga! -
- Make up a new game using PE equipment
- Use the school bikes and scooters
- Have a mini-disco - play some music and dance!
- How many star jumps/jumps/squats etc can you do in 60 secs? Can you beat your friends?
Take Notice
- Learn some new brain breaks
- Mindfulness videos
- Sit by someone new at lunchtime
- Cheer up someone who looks sad
- Play with someone you don’t normally play with
- Mindful colouring
- Listen to relaxing music at lunchtime
- Spend some time in nature. What do you notice?
- Draw around your hands/feet and turn them into an animal
- Notice how others are feeling
- Draw/make all the things that make you happy
- Draw what you can see out of your window
- Draw a picture or colour a mandala aw-with-rob
- Draw something from observation e.g flowers, shells, a friend.
- Look at natural objects using a magnifying glass
- Listen to different types of music and make your pen move to the music
- Explore your sense of smell – Play guess the scent (e.g. lemon, coffee)
- Guess the sound – bingo game
- Wellbeing scavenger hunt – 1. Something that makes you happy 2. Something that makes you feel calm 3. Something that makes you laugh 4. Something that reminds you of someone you love 5. Something that helps you sleep 6. Something that makes you feel grateful 7. Something that makes you think of your friends
- Design a class a coping toolbox. Pick items which use the 5 senses. It might include colouring pens and pictures, stress ball, bubbles etc.
- Design a class worry box or monster
- Chat to someone that you don’t know
- Play with someone you don’t know
- Write a letter to a friend
- Set up a Minecraft challenge with another class
- Sit by someone different at lunchtime
- Make some art and invite your friends to see it
- Read a story to someone different
- Design a meal that you could have with your family
- Play a board game with classmates
- Complete a puzzle with a friend
- Have snack and milk with your friends
- Talk to your friends about their Christmas news
- Connect with children who have the same interests
- ‘Five Minute Friendship’ rotate around classmates having a chat
- Problem solving with a partner (R time activities)
- ‘Morning greeters’ at the door who welcome classmates into school
- Ask a friend how they are feeling
- Write a letter to someone you care about. What do you want to tell them? What’s important to you?
Keep Learning
- Learn 5 new facts about something
- Learn to say hello in lots of different languages
- Learn how to play a musical instrument
- Learn some new jokes
- Learn a new game
- Learn something new about your friends
- Learn how to draw something new
- Visit an online museum/art gallery
- Try a new food
- Write a new story or song
- Study an animal
- Research your family tree
- Watch a new film or read a new book
- Learn a dance
- Learn a new skill e.g., how to sew
- Learn how to cook something new
- Complete a jigsaw puzzle
- Learn how to do up your coat
- Learn how to do up your shoelaces.
- Can you learn some fascinating facts about the human body?
- Watch a documentary about the world we live in (e.g., Blue Planet).
- Try and think of an animal that begins with each letter of the alphabet.