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Admissions Arrangements for September 2024


Reception Admissions - September 2024

Still image for this video

St Joseph's in action!

We would like to share our school day with you, full of fun, challenge and creativity.

Pupil Perceptions.

Where our children have their say.

Admission Arrangements for Reception Class

The school has an Admissions Policy written by the Governors that is reviewed annually. We have one    admission date and all children are admitted in the September of the academic year in which they are five. Parents/Carers are encouraged to inform the school if they are considering applying for a place for their child.

Parents/carers are required to complete an online application form via Herefordshire Council Website (please follow this link):

Apply for a School Place (

In addition to this online application parents are also required to complete a ‘St Joseph’s Supplementary Information Form’ (which can be downloaded from this page or a paper copy can be collected from the main school office). We ask that these supplementary forms are completed and returned to the school office.


Our school's admission number (PAN) with Herefordshire is 30.

Herefordshire Admissions Guidance


If you need any further assistance, please contact the council's school admissions team at or contact the following members of the primary admissions team:

  • Emma Turner, Admissions officer - reception intake 01432 260926
  • Lisa Hince, Admissions officer - reception intake 01432 261574



Parents of children resident outside Herefordshire


If you are not resident in Herefordshire then you should obtain admission details from your home Local Authority (LA). (The 'home' LA is defined as the Local Authority relevant to the child's home address).

If you wish to apply for a place at St Joseph's, you must complete an application provided by your 'home' LA. The 'home' LA will ensure that the application details are passed onto Herefordshire LA in the allocation of school places.

Pre-school liaison and preparation includes:

- visits by the class teacher to pre-school establishments
- parents’ meetings and coffee afternoons in the summer term prior to starting
- opportunities to meet the Headteacher and other staff and find out further information about the school
- children spending time in the classroom prior to them starting full time
- helpful induction booklets to support your child starting school



Admission Arrangements for the Nursery


Nursery provision is provided for children aged 2, 3 and 4. Admission to the Nursery depends on availability of places but all parents/carers and children are welcome to visit the Nursery in action. Please contact our school directly to arrange a visit: 01989 564655.



Admission Arrangements for in-year transfers

Admission to other year groups depends on availability of places but all parents/carers and children are welcome to visit the school.


Please contact our school directly, if you are interested in applying for a place.


The In Year Transfer application form

Please find below the In Year Transfer Form.

Please read the guidance notes attached to the form. Submit your completed form direct to the school office.

The back page of the application has a section for your current school to complete. The information provided on the form will help us to prepare for your child's admission should a place be offered.
