Learning In Action
Abba class enjoyed a walk to the post box yesterday to deliver their letters to Father Christmas. It was a cold and frosty walk and Humprey, our school dog, led the way! The children can't wait for Father Christmas to read their letters, in which they thanked him for their gifts from last year and also told Father Christmas about how good they've been!
Every week Abba Class take part in Examen. It is a chance for us to be quiet and feel closer to God. We listen to music to help us relax and become still and silent. We think about our day and what made us feel happy and we thank God for whatever made us feel happy. We then think about anything that made us feel sad or unhappy or perhaps something we want to say sorry for. We remember that we are precious to God and nothing will ever change that. Finally, we think about tomorrow and ask God for anything we need help with or that we are worried about. We ask God to be with us.
Abba Class had a fantastic visit to the Community Garden in Ross. The children enjoyed a scavenger hunt, playing games and decorating a plant stick. Despite the rain, they had a lovely afternoon being outdoors.
Abba Class have been learning about fish as part of their 'Animals' topic in Science. They learnt about the parts of a fish including the dorsal and pectoral fins, gills, eyes, head and tail. They had the chance to look at a real fish and then to draw it and label it's parts.
As part of our 'Animals' topic in Science, Abba class have been learning about the difference between amphibians and reptiles. We looked closely at their features and then used clay to make our own. Super creative work everyone! 🙂
Abba class thoroughly enjoyed their first PE lesson in Year 1! This term they will be learning fundamental skills such as hand eye co-ordination, balance, running, agility, throwing and catching. They had lots of fun playing different games and came back with beaming smiles and rosy cheeks!
Abba Class have been doing some fabulous Maths, showing two digits to 20 and ordering numbers to 10.
Abba Class have enjoyed learning about the Creation story. They listened to scripture and then acted this out in small groups. The children enjoyed creating the world using fabrics for the land and sea, toy animals and people.