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Autumn Term

Curriculum Meeting 26th September 2023

History Knowledge Orgnaiser

Geography Knowledge Organiser

As part of our Design and Technology project we made windmills. Over the last few weeks we thought carefully about the structure, the turbine and the axle and how these might fit together to make a working windmill. We are delighted with how they look! 

In Science, we are learning about animals and this week we thought carefully about the important role vets have in looking after animals and keeping them healthy. We discussed why an animal might need to go to the vet and how they would be looked after. We had a fun time acting out being a veterinary nurse and looking after our animal teddies. 

Learning colours in Spanish with Mrs Dick is so much fun! Even more so when you get to jump around on on a colour mat!

Big Ben Class had a wonderful time taking part in some fun Science experiments. They were fascinated and absorbed by the whole experience. I'm sure there will be some future budding Scientists for sure!

Lots of super learning in Maths, in Disney Class.

Our Enormous 100 Square!

Big Ben Class have been very excited about their maths learning! They have enjoyed creating a 100 square on the playground using chalk! The children took it in turns to write the different numbers and use their knowledge of odds and evens to jump onto different numbers.
