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Spring Term

Year 5 Spring Term Topic Web

Geography Knowledge Organiser

Welcome back to school for the Spring Term! We have lots of exciting learning to look forward to...

St. Patrick's Day Celebrations - 20th March

Year 5 had an amazing time learning to play the spoons, making shamrocks and listening to stories about St. Patrick. 

'Experience Easter' at St. Mary's Church - 19th March

The children spent a peaceful afternoon in St. Mary's Church, exploring the many aspects of the Easter story through a range of different workshops. This was a beautiful way to consolidate our recent learning from R. E. lessons.

Big Lent Walk for CAFOD in the Malvern Hills - 18th March

We supported CAFOD by walking 7.5km in the Malvern Hills during Lent! We had an amazing day and feel very proud of our achievement!

World Book Day 2024!

Young Voices 2024 - 10th January

Some of the class travelled up to Birmingham for the Young Voices concert and, as always, had an incredible time! They sung their hearts out and were a credit to Year 5. 
