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Spring Term

Spring Topic Web

Communication and Language Development (CLL)

At the start of the Spring term, the Oakleaves children begin their 'Planned talk' sessions in preparation for learning phonics in the Summer term. This involves small adult led activities, role playing, building sentences orally and extending vocabulary. 

We do lots of small group games and activities that involve the children practicing their listening and understand as well as speaking. 



Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)

We are continuously providing an environment which encourages collaborative working and building those early relationships with staff and peers. The children work together to create structures to balance and climb and help each other, for example, handing our the bowls and cups at snack times.

We encourage the children to take reasonable risks and this term they have been moving in different ways on balance beams in P.E and having a go on our new climbing frame. 

We visited West bank care home with the children and they were very gentle and kind with the elderly residents.

Physical Development (PD)

We provide a wide range of activities and resources to improve the children's fine and gross motor skills. They have loved climbing on the new structure and making bridges to balance on out of crates. We have played football, had weekly P.E sessions and used the balance bikes and scooters daily. 

We had a weekly cutting skills activity and during art, the children have used paint brushes, pipettes and blown through straws to create art. 

Literacy (L)

The children have enjoyed listening to a range of books this half term including 'The Gruffalo,' 'Stick man' and 'The Gruffalo's child.' We repeat these daily and look through the books together. We have daily music and rhyme sessions and the children have especially enjoyed rhymes with the lycra cloth.

These is a variety of media for the children to make marks on including the interactive white board, messy play and playdough. 

The children are beginning to recognise their own names at snack times :-)

Math's (M)

Each week in Nursery we have an adult led Math's activity as well as a Math's tuff tray indoors and outside. This half term we have cut out different shapes to make a penguin, added the correct number of features to the Gruffalo and made stick men using 5 sticks. 

We have provided lots of opportunities for emptying and filling, puzzles and small group Math's games.

The children enjoy using the weighing scales in the outdoor construction area and we use tweezers and pom poms to match the numicon to the number of pom poms. 


Understanding the world (UW)

The children have enjoyed our walks down to forest school - looking at and talking about the changes in seasons and weather and loved experimenting with Ice and warm water.

We had a lovely visit to Westbank care home where the children sang songs and listened to stories with the elderly residents. 

In the sensory room the children have explored the fixtures and fittings wall and played around withe light and shadow.

We have played on a number of different interactive games on the large ipad including colouring and letter/number formation. 


Expressive art and design (EAD)

During our weekly sensory art sessions with Miss. Jenn, the children have enjoyed making shadow puppets, painting with a range of media and paint blowing.

We have had a few different role play areas this half term including a home corner, chinese restuarant and a weather station. We have a weekly small world tuff tray - the children have played with farm and zoo animals and different modes of transport. 

We have been joining in with lots of singing and dancing in our daily music sessions and our weekly little swallows sessions. 

