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Autumn Term

2023 - 2024 Long Term Plan

Topic Web

Our new construction area!

The children have loved exploring our new construction area. We have been using the big weighing scales to weigh different objects including building blocks, sticks and stones. 


Children in Need

To support children in need, we dressed up and donated to the charity. We explained to the children that some children aren't as fortunate as us and they need our help. We wore odd socks to celebrate our differences, coloured in Pudsey and helped Pudsey find his spots in the tuff tray using the tweezers to help develop our fine motor skills!

Ross Community Gardens

The Oakleaves loved walking down to the community gardens and finding out about all the plants, fruits and vegetables they have growing there. We picked, pressed and tasted some delicious apple juice and the children planted daffodil bulbs to look after at home :-)

Termly Tuff Trays!!

The children love our exciting weekly tuff tray activities. These activities often cover most, if not all of the 7 areas of learning and spark curiosity and exploration. 

Expressive art and design

We offer a wide range of creative activities in Nursery, including weekly Art sessions with Miss. Jenn. So far this half term, we have made sensory bottles, painted on wax paper and made paintings using coffee, spices and tea bags! 

Outside, we love to explore messy tuff trays, make marks with a range of media and even paint pebbles in our mud kitchen!

Making Relationships

Providing a supportive environment for the children to make positive relationships early on is very important to us at St. Josephs Nursery. We support the children to play alongside, and with other children, encouraging kindness, sharing and skills of negotiation. The children love to build dens together, play together and help each other with everyday skills.

Messy Maths!

To encourage counting like behaviour and number recognition, we often incorporate messy activities with maths. The children love to clean and count shells in the sand and match the number of shells to the numeral. We have great fun finding numbers hidden under shaving foam, jelly and a variety of other messy play!

All about me!

To promote the children's Personal, Social and Emotional Development, we learn all about ourselves and what makes us special. We encourage the children to talk about their families and share photographs from home. During art, we drew around the children and they did free painting whilst we talked about what makes them unique and what they love about themselves. We talked about our emotions and made faces to match the emotions on our feelings board.
