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Summer Term

Please see below our Topic WebKnowledge Organiser and Timetable for our Summer Term

Community Garden's with our Buddies

Liberty Class had a lovely afternoon with some of their Year 5 & 6 buddies as they visited Ross Community Gardens together. They spent the afternoon engaged in various garden games including hoopla, velcro ball and the timeless classic of 'hide and seek'. It was a lovely afternoon for the buddies to spend together before they part ways in September. Thanks as always to Tim and his team for making our afternoon so fun! As an extra treat, we stopped at Dean Hill park on our return to school for a quick play on the new equipment!

Hatching Eggs!

We have had an exciting delivery in Liberty Class this morning - hatching eggs! Mrs Wilkes kindly organised for us to have the hatching eggs in our classroom so we can watch what happens over time as the eggs grow and develop. The children learnt all about the incubator today, and Miss Sadler put a 'x' on each egg to make sure they rotate whilst in the incubator. We are so excited and are eagerly counting down three weeks which should be when they hatch! We look forward to sharing this invaluable learning experience with you.

During the last half term, Liberty Class have been learning all about Boats. We have investigated different waterproof materials, materials that float and sink and all the different parts of a boat. To end this topic, the children have all created their own boats. They chose what materials were best to use and designed their sails. Today we have tested our boats to make sure they float and are waterproof! We love our end results!

Liberty Class had a wonderful, sunny day out at Noah's Ark Zoo Farm today! The children took part in an 'Amazing Africa' workshop where they got to hold a Giant African Land Snail and even stroke a Royal Python! We also learnt all about different types habitats and matched footprints to different animals from the Zoo. After a picnic lunch, we explored the rest of the Zoo and saw lots of different kinds of animals, including bears, giraffes and elephants. We had so much fun and loved enhancing our learning of our current topic of 'All Around the World'.

Liberty Class enjoyed creating bird feeders at Forest School today. The children enjoyed using their fine motor skills to roll the tubes in the honey before covering them with seeds and then hanging them in the trees. We were even quiet enough to see a few blackbirds come and investigate! We wonder whether there will be any seeds left when we come back to check on them.

As always, Liberty Class thoroughly enjoyed their Moo Music session today! This morning, we read the story 'Dear Zoo' and enjoyed an animal themed session. We learnt how to sign the words 'elephant', 'crocodile' and 'butterfly' in our first song. We then learnt about the animals on Noah's Ark, noticing which ones rhymed before creating our own funny animals from picture cards. Finally, we enjoyed working as a team to bounce some monkeys in our big net!

Animals and Their Young

As part of our topic this term, Liberty Class have enjoyed finding out all about animals and their young. Today, we learnt lots of new vocabulary such as hatchling, calf and pup to describe some of the babies we had seen. We then enjoyed a treasure hunt at forest school, matching the young to the correct animal. We wonder if we will see any young when we visit the Zoo in a few weeks time!

The Good Shepherd

Liberty Class enjoyed hearing the parable of The Good Shepherd during our collective worship this afternoon. We leant that Jesus is the Good Shepherd and that he protects us and loves us like the shepherd loves and protects his sheep. We read Psalm 23 together and listened to 'The Lord is my Shepherd' while we prayed. The children are continuing to develop their spirituality in these moments and recognise God's awe and wonder.  

Liberty Class had a lovely morning visiting the town library. They enjoyed listening to a variety of different stories, both fiction and non-fiction. They also enjoyed picking a story to take home and checking it out at Reception with their library cards. As always, the were quiet and polite and a credit to the school - well done Liberty Class!

Liberty Class had a lovely visit to Ross Community Gardens this afternoon, searching for minibeasts. The children found lots of different bugs and insects including earthworms, ladybirds and woodlouse. The children also got to see all the lovely produce growing and see how much the environment had changed since our last visit in February. We were even lucky enough to see a family of ducks who are currently living at the gardens! Thanks as always to Tim and his team for accommodating us!

Liberty Class began their topic of 'Amazing Animals' this week and started with learning about Earthworms! During our forest school session, the children learnt about how earthworms move, what they eat and about their habitat through close-up and first-hand observations. They loved searching for earthworms in the mud and observing how their bodies moved when carefully holding them, remember to be gentle and kind to the earthworms before returning them back to their homes.  
