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Autumn Term

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Geography Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 have been learning about how light is reflected and they did an investigation to show that when light is reflected from a surface, it changes direction. They explored changing the angle of their mirror and discovered that light reflects off the surface at the same angle as it hits it. 

Year 6 have been learning about the history of the census and this week we looked at the census from 1911 – where some women deliberately ruled their names out of a census or refused to have them recorded. We explored how women were not considered equal or as important in the eyes of the government and how Millicent Fawcett and Emmeline Pankhurst sought to change this to make sure that voices of women were heard and the could vote. The children were really curious and asked good questions surrounding The Suffragette Movement. In groups, they put together a timeline from the first petition for women to vote in 1866 right through to all women being given the right to vote in 1929. They then did a good job of presenting and explaining various aspects of The Suffragette Movement to the rest of the class.

Do you have to earn love? This has been the question that Year 6 have been exploring and delving into over this past half-term. It has led to many thought-provoking discussions and questions amongst the class. To help us understand more about love and specifically God’s unconditional love we have looked at the parable of the Prodigal Son alongside various passages in the bible. This parable revealed to us how powerful unconditional love is and how a father welcomed his son home despite how his son had treated him previously. He loved his son without any conditions attached, much like how God loves us. We drew pictures to portray the father embracing his son when he returned. We have thought through advice that is given in the bible about how to love one another and the importance of not only offering forgiveness and grace but also receiving it.

In art, the children designed their own album cover based on the artist Derrick Boateng. They thought about his vibrant use of colour and how he uses items such as musical instruments, fruit and balloons in his photos.


This term we are exploring electricity and we had a re-cap of the symbols used for electrical circuits and put a simple circuit together. 
