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Autumn Term

Please take a look at our learning during the Autumn Term.

Design & Technology

The children built their own chairs for baby bear. They used the skills they had practised to make their chairs strong and stable, as well as thinking about the look and comfort of the chair.


Science - Suitable Materials

We carried out an investigation to find out which material would be most suitable to make teabags from. We discussed how some materials were not suitable as they were waterproof or they would tear easily when wet. The most suitable material was dishcloth as this was both strong and absorbent.

Finding the Difference

The children used Cuisenaire rods to help them find the difference between two lengths.

We had a fantastic trip to the library, choosing our own books and sharing a story together.

Children in Need

The children loved coming to school dressed in their pyjamas to celebrate Children in Need.


The children found pairs of addends that total 10 to help them find the sum of 3 addends.

Anti-Bullying Week 2023

The children wrote and recorded their own rap based upon the theme 'Make a Noise About Bullying.' Take a look below.


Still image for this video

Cheltenham Literature Festival

We had an fantastic day out at the Literature Festival. We were very excited to meet different book characters and had an amazing live drawing workshop with Benji Davies, the author and illustrator of 'The Storm Whale' books. We are very motivated to write stories and create our own illustrations.


During our maths lesson, we used our knowledge of the position of numbers on a number line to estimate the length of different lines.

Sublime Science

Year 2 loved taking part in different Science lessons, learning about forces and different tastes. 


The children have enjoyed searching for objects that are living, once lived or never lived.

RE - Judaism

The children enjoyed learning about the weekly celebration of Shabbat. We role-played the important Shabbat meal.


We had an excellent art workshop with Miss Jenn, learning to create our own prints. We look forward to displaying these in the school's upcoming art exhibition.

Community Gardens

We had an exciting visit to Ross Community Gardens where we helped to harvest a range of vegetables including; beans, carrots, leeks and squash. We went for a walk around the garden looking for signs of Autumn. We planted daffodil bulbs and are looking forward to watching them grow.

Mount Everest

We have been learning more about Mount Everest, finding out where it is, how old it is and the size. We have learnt about different climbers of Mount Everest and finally made model mountains.

Curriculum Meeting 27th September 2023

History Knowledge Organiser

Geography Knowledge Organiser
