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Autumn Term

History Knowledge Organiser

Liberty Class had a great time exploring mark making with chalk during their art session this week. The children explored the texture of the chalk and then used their gross motor skills to create large scale drawings on the Nursery playground. We discussed how it felt making marks on different surfaces and exploring different textures. 

Our First Nativity

Liberty Class performed beautifully in their first school Nativity! They sang with huge smiles on their faces and remembered all the dance moves. They confidently performed songs on the stage to 2 huge audiences! Well done Liberty Class - we are so proud of you!

Liberty Class had a truly magical trip to Clearwell Caves today to see Santa! The children were bursting with excitement and loved telling Santa what they wanted for Christmas. We handed Santa our letters we wrote this week and then got to choose a special Christmas treat from his workshop. We then walked around the magical caves, hearing a story about Bernard and his polar bear! We had a wonderful time and members of the public even commented on the children's beautiful manners and impeccable behaviour - we are very proud of you Liberty Class!

How does my toy work?

Liberty Class investigated how to make some of their toys move in our Science learning this week. The children demonstrated and described, using the words ‘push’, ‘pull’ and ‘twist’, what they needed to do to make their toy move. The children also found that we had to use lots of different motions to make a range of things work, such as pushing down on a pencil and pulling on our costumes for our Nativity!

World Kindness Day & Anti-Bullying Week

The children have loved wearing the odd socks to school today to celebrate World Kindness Day! We have had some lovely discussions about how we are all unique and different, just like our socks! The children have also created some beautiful 'Kindness Pebbles' with Miss Jenn, using paint pens on rocks. The children drew things that made them happy and made them think of being kind such as love hearts, rainbows and smiley faces. We will be putting our Kindness Pebbles in to our garden, so they can make us smile throughout the year! 

What is happening to the trees?

The children had a great time at Forest School, and had some great discussions about what is happening to the trees. We talked about the season 'Autumn' and what this meant and all the changes we could see happening around us and in our environment. We talked about it getting darker and colder and that Winter was on its way. We then headed to forest school and looked at all the trees we could see, both in forest school and on the hills in the distance. The children looked closely at the colour and texture of leaves, and a tree’s shape, and noticed how a tree changes during the season of autumn. We then created leaf collections on sticks and worked really hard to find leaves of all different colours. We also really enjoyed throwing the leaves in to the air and watching them fall down to the ground!

Liberty Class had a fantastic first school trip to Perrygrove today! We started with a wonder through the woods, seeing how many teddies we could spot in the trees. We then explored Foxy Hollow—a large play area with slides, tunnels and swings. After lunch we read our special teddy bear story before boarding the train with our bears. To end our day, the children got to explore the Twilight Houses. They behaved impeccably throughout and were a real credit to the school. Well done Liberty Class— we are so proud of you!

Maths Learning in Action...

The children have been working hard on their subitising skills again this week, looking closely at Numberblock 4. When investigating the shapes made by Numberblock Four, the children have started to develop their skills of ‘conceptual’ subitising. They begin to notice the sub-groups that can be perceived within a larger set, and recognise the whole at the same time. They each cut out and made their own Numberblock 4, deciding which shape they wanted to make with their blocks.

The Sacrament of Baptism

Liberty Class enjoyed learning about the sacrament of Baptism during R.E this afternoon. To bring their learning to life, the children helped to role play this special event. We created our own church, sang hymns and practiced saying 'I baptise you, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit' when putting the holy water on to the baby's head.

What's in the Sky?

During our Science learning, the children have been discussing the question: 'What is in the Sky?' We first talked to our partners on the carpet about different things we had seen in the sky before, such as planes and birds. We then sorted out some pictures into whether they belonged on the ground or in the sky. This question encouraged lots of lovely conservations and debates, and highlighted that sometimes things can belong in both! After our forest school session, the children lay on the field and looked up at the sky to see what they could see locally - we mostly saw lots of falling autumn leaves!

The children enjoyed another great session at Moo Music. The children went on a space adventure! They used their fingers to make twinkly stars and create their own rocket ships using lots of different shapes. They then dressed up as astronauts and danced the oogie, boogie, woogie with some aliens! The children are growing in confidence at performing and joining in with familiar songs.

This morning, the children enjoyed a Science Workshop with Sublime Science. The children got to take part in lots of experiments, including making sherbet and looking at gravity and wind. Lots of great science learning took place and the children loved being actively involved in the workshop! :) The children will take home their sherbet at the end of the day for you all to taste and enjoy!

Today, the children learnt about Computers and Laptops. The children first learnt the names of the different parts of a laptop such as the screen, keyboard and mouse pad. The children then got to have a turn on a laptop, identifying different sounds and numbers on the keyboard. With some adult support, the children then identified the letters of their names and practiced typing it out on a word document. In provision, the children made some of their own laptops and keyboards, using sounds they know to fill in the buttons.

Science Learning

The children loved finding out about ‘What Happens At Night’ during our science learning. The children first discussed with their talk partners about what they could think of that happens at night. They then helped Ms Dick to sort out a range of pictures into the categories Night, Day and Both. The children then enjoyed creating dark dens and experimenting with lots of different sources of light.

The Sign of the Cross

During RE, the children have been working really hard to learn the sign of the cross. They have been practicing saying the correct words and moving their hands in the correct way. They have also grown in confidence and enjoyed coming to the front of the class to show their friends. They are also working really hard at learning our school prayers - well done Liberty Class!

Liberty Class had a fantastic first music and movement session this morning with Moo Music! The children explored a range of instruments, music and familiar rhymes and enjoyed meeting Maggie Moo and all her farmyard friends. The children showed excellent listening skills and particularly loved popping all the bubbles at the end!
